antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis

sinds 1994

Letters – Personal Documents

This is a collection of (almost exclusively) non-Dutch items. In this webpage you will find letters in Dutch (by Belgian and Dutch authors).

New  1. AUERBACH, Berthold Handschriftlicher Brief auf eigenem Briefpapier, datiert „Berlin 31. Mai [18]68“. Kleiner Brief mit Trockenstempel „B.A.“ 14,5 x 9,4 cm. Schwer zu lesen. 10 Zeilen in dunkelbrauner Tinte. Auf der Rückseite ein alter Klebestreifen.
€ 100
* Glückwunsch an jemanden, dessen Name mit einem L beginnt, zur Verlobung eines Verwandten. Berthold Auerbach (1812-1882), einfacher jüdischer Abstammung, hatte bereits 1841 eine vollständige Übersetzung von Spinozas (lateinischem) Werk ins Deutsche veröffentlicht. 1848 beteiligte er sich leidenschaftlich an der Revolution. Danach wurde er für seine Dorfgeschichten als Schriftsteller geehrt.

3. (BROWN DOG AFFAIR). WATSON, William A.L.S. by the poet William Watson to antivivisectionist Stephen Coleridge dated Sept. 8, 1903. Folded leaf of writing paper with printed address ’11, Caledonian Place, Clifton, Bristol’. 17.8 x 11.4 cm. 34 lines. Horizontally folded in half. Corners a bit worn.
€ 100
* William Watson (1858-1935) was a famous British poet until 1914. In this letter, he enjoys the gift of a volume of poems by Coleridge ‘enhanced by your autograph & the much too flattering inscription’. ‘I am sure no one deserves a rest more than you’. This was because the barrister Stephen Coleridge, secretary of the National Anti-Vivisection Society (‘N.A.-V. Soc.’ in this letter), had taken it upon himself to prosecute a medical doctor, William Bayliss, because of his cruelty against a ‘brown dog’ who had been dissected alive for a medical experiment, and had to live on for a long time to be studied for vivisection experiments.
Coleridge was a son of John Duke Coleridge, former Lord Chief Justice of England, and great-grandson of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Some months after this letter was sent, a trial started – so there was to be, alas, not much rest for Coleridge, who in the end was ordered to pay about 5000 pounds to Bayliss for defamation. Watson had tried to involve the Daily News, but this didn’t work out. William Watson was one of many authors who voiced their support against the vivisection and the callous attitude of medical students present.
For the dog a monument in bronze was later erected in a park in Battersea, London.

4. CRÉMIEUX, Adolphe Lettre autographe signée à Jean-Charles de Lesseps, 18 Janvier [1846]. Feuille pliée comme une enveloppe. 16 x 10 cm. 4 p. 7 lignes. Adressée à ‘Monsieur de Lesseps/ au Journal l’esprit public/ 13 rue neuve des Petits Champs’ datée ’18 Janvier’. J.-C. de Lesseps n’a dirigé ce journal de gauche que de 1845 au début de 1846, cette lettre a donc été écrite en 1846. Bonne condition.
€ 45
* Le célèbre avocat humaniste et homme politique Crémieux (1796-1880) écrit dans une lettre amicale qu’il ne traitera plus avec l’Algérie parce qu’il ne supporte pas la chaleur humide du climat.

5. GIRAUD – PONTAUD – ESTAQUE Correspondance de proches adressée à Mme Giraud née de Pontaud, à Soulan. (14 lettres à 33 pages, c.1813-1850). Collection de 14 lettres, 1813-c.1850. Lettres bien lisibles signées par des membres de la famille, dont Estaque à Saint-Giron (1829), Octavie Gay, Delphine et Léonie. Certains s’adressaient à « Maman ». Mme Giraud est aussi appelée « Mélanie ». Avec un projet de réponse, un texte descriptif, et une nécrologie imprimée de A.M.C.G. Taillet à Toulouse, veuve du Colonel Anselme Gay (1852?).
€ 195
* Toutes les lettres à l’encre sur bon papier de la période 1813-1850. Environ 33 pages au total, la plupart densément décrites. Intéressante collection sur l’histoire d’une famille du sud de la France (Occitanie).

6. JACKSON, Holbrook Handgeschreven, gesigneerde brief aan ‘My dear Dan’, gedateerd ’24:x:46′. Briefpapier met voorgedrukt Londens adres. 41 regels. Gevouwen en gekreukt, randscheurtjes, beetje nietjesroest.
€ 140
* Holbrook Jackson (1874-1948) was journalist en een groot bibliofiel, en schreef veel boeken over boeken. Hier betreft het waarschijnlijk zijn in 1946 verschenen ‘The Reading of Books’ waar een paar foutjes in staan. Dat heeft ‘Dan’ of Daniel hem laten weten en deze grappige brief dankt hem daarvoor. ‘I have felt like a managery-lion in a den of forest-based Daniels (it ought to be geoffries!) each with the aspect of a reviewer of book licking his chops at the chance of a short-list to discomfort an already deflated author.’ Gelukkig verscheen er in 1947 een tweede druk met verbeteringen.
Jackson zwaait Daniel lof toe over ‘your broadcast on American Books’, die beter is dan de andere die tot dan toe op ‘the Third Programme’ te horen waren. Deze cultuur-zender van de BBC was pas sinds 29 september 1946 in de lucht – speurneuzen kunnen zo de achternaam van Daniel proberen te vinden. Jacksons handschrift is mooi maar geeft zich niet gemakkelijk prijs – speurneuzen die van puzzelen en ontcijferen houden kunnen zich op deze brief uitleven. (Speurneus nr. 1: de naam is Daniel G. Bunting (1890-1967).

7. KISTEMAECKERS fils, Henry Handwritten correspondence card to ‘Mon cher confrère’, signed. Stiff card, 8 x 12 cm. Dated ‘Paris, 31 mars 98’. Written in French. Small strip of glue at the back. Excellent condition.
€ 30
* Kistemaeckers asks his colleague about the result of his negotiations with the British publisher (Thomas Fisher) Unwin. Kistemaeckers (1872-1938) was a prolific Belgian playwright who had success in France. Some of his plays were also produced in Britain.

8. MONTAGUE, C.E. Handgeschreven, gesigneerde brief aan ‘Mr. Pinker’, gedateerd ‘Nov. 27/24’. Velletje met voorgedrukt adres 10 Oak Drive in Fallowfield, Manchester. Horizontaal gevouwen en met sporen van roestig nietje.
€ 25
* C.E. Montague (1867-1928) was tot 1925 redacteur geweest van het progressieve dagblad de (Manchester) Guardian. Daarna werd hij full-time schrijver. Over zijn verhalen ‘In Hanging Garden Gully’ en ‘Fiery Particles’, die wellicht zouden verschijnen in het jaarboek ‘Georgian Stories’.

9. MONTAGUE, C.E. Handgeschreven, gesigneerde brief aan Lady Cynthia Asquith, gedateerd ‘March 1/27’. Een half vel schrijfpapier van het Grand-Hotel et Hotel des Bains in Bandol-sur-Mer. 22 regels. Gevouwen en gekreukt, enige vergeling.
€ 60
* C.E. Montague (1867-1928) was redacteur van het progressieve dagblad de (Manchester) Guardian. Hoewel een tegenstander van de Eerste Wereldoorlog, meldde hij zich voor actieve dienst, en om ondanks zijn reeds 47-jarige leeftijd te worden aangenomen, verfde hij zijn haar zwart. ‘Montague is the only man I know whose white hair in a single night turned dark through courage’, schreef een tijdgenoot. Later schreef hij vooral over en tegen oorlog: ‘War hath no fury like a non-combatant’ is een bekende uitspraak. In zijn laatste jaren schreef hij science-fiction en korte verhalen, en deze brief gaat vermoedelijk over het aanleveren van een verhaal voor de bekende boekenserie The Ghost Book, die onder redactie stond van Lady Cynthia Asquith, schoondochter van de Britse premier (1908-1916). Montague schrijft omstandig dat het hem niet gaat lukken – hij brengt zelf binnenkort een bundel verhalen uit. Dat was het boek Action, zijn zwanenzang.

10. MONTAGUE, C.E. Handgeschreven, gesigneerde briefkaart aan R.A. Green-Armytage Esq in Bath, gedateerd ‘April 1/26’. Kaart met gedrukte postzegel van 1 penny, gestempeld in Burford op 2 april 1926. Zeer gaaf.
€ 35
* C.E. Montague (1867-1928) was tot 1925 redacteur geweest van het progressieve dagblad de (Manchester) Guardian. Daarna werd hij full-time schrijver. Over de spelling van zijn achternaam: ‘I cling almost bloodthirstily to my final E./ C.E. MontaguE’.

11. SYMONS, Arthur Getypte brief van Ruth Shepard Phelps met een antwoord erop geschreven door Arthur Symons. Driemaal horizontaal gevouwen blad papier, in typeschrift gedateerd ‘Minneapolis, Minn.,/ March 27, 1908.’. In pen gesigneerd ‘Ruth Shepard Phelps’. Achterop plaksporen van een album.
€ 50
* Doorslag, in pen gesigneerd, van een aan meer dichters gezonden uitnodiging om een of meer gedichten bij te dragen aan een te publiceren bloemlezing van gedichten over Italië: ‘an anthology I have completed of poems about Italy – its cities and its personages – designed to give pleasure to the English reader while travelling in Italy’ It is entitled “Skies Italian: A Little Breviary for Travellers in Italy”‘. Ruth Shepard Phelps (1876-1949) werd later hoofddocent Romaanse talen aan de Universiteit van Minnesota. Het gaat om Symons’ gedichten ‘Roman May’, ‘Villa Borghese’ en ‘Rome’.
Op de brief schreef Symons met vulpen: ‘Certainly, with pleasure. What a good idea – your book. (handtekening).’ In the marge schreef hij ‘why not “Italian Skies”, which sounds better?’.
In 1910 zou de bloemlezing verschijnen, met de titel ‘Skies Italian’.

12. THARAUD, Jean & Jérôme Lettre autographe signée à une ‘Madame’, datée le ‘9 mai 1926’. Une feuille pliée, 18 x 13 cm. 42 lignes. Bonne condition.
€ 60
* Lettre difficile à lire, j’espère que vous pourrez faire mieux. ‘Écrivains juifs’, mention du livre à succès des frères Tharaud, L’Ombre de la croix, l’année 1913. ‘Croyez, Madame, à notre respectueuse dévouement, Jérôme et Jean Tharaud’.

1. ALISON, Archibald CDV original photo mounted on a sheet, with signature on a small card affixed below. Photo measuring 8,8 x 5,6 cm. Card measures 1,8 x 4,5 cm. Excellent condition.

€ 25

* Alison (1792-1867), about 70 years old, sitting in an easy chair with a cane between his fingers and his top hat behind him. Archibald Alison (the 1st baronet), was a Scottish lawyer and historian.

2. ANNIGONI, Pietro Original photo with signature (1982). Original black-and-white photo of Annigoni (1910-1988) in front of a painting, looking serious. 16.5 x 10.8 cm. Signed in blue ink. With two parts of the original envelope. Some gluing traces at the backside.

€ 25

* Annigoni is most famous for his official portrait of Queen Elizabeth II.

3. ARGYLL, George CAMPBELL, 8th Duke of Autograph Letter Signed to C.N. Hale, dated ‘Cannes France/ Jan 23/83’. On Lescalier letter paper, folded. 20,0 x 13,2 cm. Two pages were used. 11 lines. Twice folded. Tiny corner torn off.

€ 30

* Answer to a letter asking for genealogical information: ‘I am very little of a genealogist & I have no books here to which I can refer. I […] hope that the sources of information which have already given you so much knowledge will enable you to complete it’. The Duke of Argyll’s (1823-1900) political career was past when he was 59 and staying in Cannes.

4. AVELINE, Claude Carte manuscrite signée à Manuel van Loggem, avec enveloppe. 1956. 10,5 x 13,5 cm.

€ 25

* Carte imprimée avec l’adresse. Aveline a écrit: ‘Malgré le temps qui passe, je n’ai pas oublié ma promesse d’autographe. En voici un, avec mon souvenir le meilleur.’ Signé et daté ‘8.5.56’. Ajoutée: l’enveloppe avec deux timbres, à un collecteur des manuscrits dans les Pays-Bas.


5. BÉRANGER, Pierre-Jean de Lettre autographe signée, à un ami. Petite feuille, écrite à l’encre noire, recto seulement. 14,2 x 10,0 cm. Collé sur une autre feuille. Lettre sans salutation, signée ‘ton ami / Béranger’ et estampillée d’un sceau ‘JB’ en noir. Un peu froissé d’un côté, quelques rousseurs.

€ 125

* “Tu m’as dit que M. Frédéric était très lié avec le directeur du théatre qu’on bâtit au Boulevard du Temple. Informez toi, je t’en prie, s’il serait possible d’obtenir à ce spectacle, un place d’ouvreuse de loger.” Ça “serait une bonne action qui te compterait dans le Paradis”. Peut-être qu’il s’agit du Théâtre Historique.

6. BÉRANGER, Pierre-Jean de Oeuvres complètes. Édition elzévirienne. Avec un portrait gravé sur bois d’après Charlet. (Dédication). Paris, Perrotin, 1841. Demi-cuir. (4), 500 p. Un peu usé.

€ 125

* Avec dédication manuscrite de l’auteur ‘à monsieur Durieux, fils’, datée ’10 Juillet 1846′, 5 lignes, signée ‘Béranger’.

7. BERNARD, Tristan Handgeschreven brief over het signeren, gedateerd ‘4 Août 22’. Correspondentiekaart. Oblong 9,0 x 11,0 cm. Alleen recto. Op de achterkant lijmsporen en notities van een verzamelaar.

€ 35

* Ironische afwijzing van een handtekeningenjager: ‘Excusez-moi. Mais je me suis fait une règle absolue de ne jamais envoyer d’autographes. En fin de quoi, j’écris cela et je signe de ma main (signature)’. Bijgevoegd: een briefkaart – originele foto met uitgespaarde handtekening – van Bernard (1866-1947) in zijn kleedkamer.

8. BERNSTEIN, Henry Deux lettres à Henry Bauër, 1912. 1. ‘Carte pneumatique’ ou Petit bleu’, date au cachet de la poste difficile à lire, mais 1912. À ‘cher monsieur Bauër’, Bernstein écrit qu’il s’abandonne de la critique à la magasin Comoedia, avec l’assentiment de Léon Blum. Grossièrement déchiré, froissé.
2. Lettre sur papier gris, avec adresse imprimée ‘157, Boulevard Haussmann’. Daté ’15-3-12′. À ‘mon cher Henry Bauer’. Plié, froissé un peu. Avec enveloppe.
€ 50
* ‘Je n’ai pas lu l’article ordurier auquel vous faites allusion (…). Négligeons et méprisons. Tout cela n’a aucune importance…’ Il est profondément touché pour l’amitié attentive et vaillante que Bauër exprime pour Bernstein.
Les deux lettres mettent en lumière l’antisémitisme antipathique que Bernstein (et Blum) ont dû endurer en raison de leurs revendications en faveur de la liberté personnelle dans les années 1911-1912 et tout au long de leur carrière. Bernstein (1867-1953) était un dramaturge, Bauer (1851-1915), fils naturel d’Alexandre Dumas, qui avait joué un rôle important dans la Commune française, était un critique de théâtre très respecté.

13. BINET-VALMER, J.A.G. Lettre autographe (L.A.S.) à Joachim Gasquet, pas datée, signée ‘Binet-Valmer. Probablement 1919. 7 lignes. 19,3 x 13,0 cm. Recto seulement. Quelques petites traces de colle.

€ 38

* Sur une rencontre du ‘Comité de la Ligue’. L’Amiral Boué de Lapeyrère et Général Balfourier devaient remercier. Gasquet (1873-1921) était un auteur de la Provence.

14. BINET-VALMER, J.A.G. Lettre autographe (L.A.S.) à Marcel Batilliat, datée 21 mai 1926, signée ‘Binet-Valmer. 11 lignes. 21,0 x 13,7 cm. Recto seulement. Sur papier imprimé de la Ligue des Chefs de Section & des Soldats Combattants. Accompagnée par une enveloppe avec timbre oblitéré, mais elle ne pas appartient à cette lettre: l’enveloppe date d’octobre 1928! Très bon état.

€ 60

* Binet-Valmer fait l’éloge du livre ‘Survivre’: ‘Bravo! Et aussi, courage! C’est nous qui avons raison, nous, les romanciers fidèles à la tâche…’ Marcel Batilliat (1871-1941), auteur, était un ami très proche de Zola. Avec portrait photographique de Binet-Valmer de la ‘3e collection Félix Potin’, en effet, publicité de l’épicier.

16. BONS, Jan Brief aan Jean Paul Vroom met originele tekening van het kasteel van Collioure. Aquarelpapier. 25,7 x 17,7 cm. Tekening in potlood en aquarel. Horizontaal gevouwen. Op de achterkant in krullig schrift geadresseerd aan ‘(getekende zwaan) & Jean Paul Vroom’ met adres, en plakbandjes om de tekening dicht te plakken, maar kennelijk niet over de post verstuurd. Gedateerd ’16juli’91’ en gesigneerd ‘jan en noor’.

€ 125

* ‘We zitten in een kamer die MAGRITTE heet, vandaar. en dit is met je aquareldoosje gemaakt van het uitzicht op ons terras, cum piscine, cum jacuzzi, cum cuisine epicurissime’. Geweldig leuk!

17. CADMUS, Paul Autograph signed card to Selma Broughton. Oblong card 7,7 x 12,7 cm. Fine condition.

€ 35

* Just the text ‘for/ Mrs Selma Broughton/ Paul Cadmus’ in a fine calligraphic handwriting (with a broad fountain pen). Paul Cadmus (1904-1999) was a famous painter of gay subjects.

18. COCTEAU, Jean Handwritten letter to ‘Cher monsieur’. 22.5 x 18 cm. One page torn from a cahier, lined, laid paper. Only recto. Signed ‘Jean Cocteau’ and dated ‘Le Lavandou/ Var/ 15 juillet 1922’. 16 lines of text. Folded twice, two spots on the left.

€ 450

* Cocteau was ill and thanks the addressee for his book, which he received through (Pascal) Pia and in which Cocteau apparently appears: ‘Vous etes notre agriculteur. On voit comme dans une ruche de verre le travail des abeilles. Mais pourqoui donc avez vous supprimé une phrase qui m’isolait ce qui m’enchante toujours’. In a postscript written on its side, Arthur Rimbaud comes around the corner: ‘Votre phrase sur mon goût des columes “est oracle” dirait Rimbaud’.

19. DICKEY, James Large signed original photograph. Very fine original b/w photograph made by Terry Parke in 1979, 24 x 18 cm, with a signed dedication in ink by the poet. Pasted onto a sheet of paper – on the other side of the paper a typed letter has been glued with a signed greeting to a Dutch autograph and photo collector, dated 1983.

€ 35

* James Dickey (1923-1997) was an American poet and novelist, United States Poet Laureate in 1966.

20. DOR, Moshe Autograph letter by the Israeli writer to Dutch author Manuel van Loggem (1985). Aerogramme paper with sender and addressee plus three postage stamps on the obverse, friendly letter (in English) on the reverse (16 lines). Dated ‘March 10, 1985’. 27 x 20 cm. A bit creased, a little damage.

€ 50

* About putting up Van Loggem’s novel about Moses for translation at an Israeli publisher, but to no avail: ‘Your Moses is not their Moses’. Moshe Dor (1932-2016) had visited the Netherlands in 1985, which resulted in the translation of some of his poems into Dutch. He had met many Dutch authors, among them Van Loggem (1916-1998).

21. DRURY, Allen Original Photo with Signed Dedication. 1984. Oblong (10 x 13 cm).

€ 20

* This nice color photo shows the author of ‘Advise and Consent’ (1918-1998) and many more novels and other books about American politics (like ‘A Senate Journal’), reading a book on a veranda near the sea. On the other side of the sheet part of the original envelope has been pasted with a stamp ’18 jan 1984′.

22. FAIVRE, Abel Succinct, humorous handwritten letter signed to an American signature hunter. Two leaves each written on one side. Oblong 8,9 x 11,1 cm. Dated ‘La Croix/ Var/ 21 février 1927’. 9 lines. Traces of glue at versos, from an album.

€ 40

* ‘J’ai le plaisir d’adresser à Mr. Ashley T. Cole les quelques lignes qu’il me demande. Elles sont écrites à l’encre, puisque l’encre n’est pas encore classée en Amérique comme boisson alcoolique.’ Nice letter from the French painter and caricaturist (1867-1945): ‘I am pleased to address to Mr. Ashley T. Cole the few lines he asks me. They are written in ink, since ink in America is not yet classified as an alcoholic beverage.’

23. FOYLE, Christina Typed letter signed and photograph, sent to an autograph collector. With printed letterhead of W. & G. Foyle, Ltd., Booksellers. Dated 24th January, 1983. 3 lines. Signed in full with fountain pen. The letter has been pasted on a sheet of paper with the stamps of the original envelope and on verso a magazine picture by Vivienne Mellish. On a separate sheet of paper, a large portrait photo was pasted (photo of a photo), measuring 25 x 20 cm. On the reverse of this a sheet of Beeleigh Abbey paper has been pasted with another signature of Christina Foyle.

€ 25

24. FRAPIÉ, Léon Lettre autographe (L.A.S.) à un collègue, datée ‘Paris, 21 septembre 34’, signée ‘Léon Frapié’. 1936. Recto seulement. Sur papier imprimé “62, Avenue de Clichy”. 17 lignes. 2 trous de perforatrice.

€ 30

* Compliments pour la jeunesse resplendente des deux enfants d’un “Cher Confrère et Ami”. Il va envoyer un manuscrit intitulé “Trahison” à M. Jean Reiss, “Il est certain que cette oeuvre fera un très beau film et d’un sentiment si profondément humain qu’il pourra sans doute être donné hors de chez vous, en France, à Paris avec simplement des sous-titres en français.”

25. FRÉBAULT, G. Elie Lettre autographe signée (LAS) à Monsieur E. Rousseau, Théâtre des Variétés. Lettre autographe à Monsieur E. Rousseau, pas datée, seulement ‘Dimanche Soir’. Probablement des 1870s. 14 lignes. Sur papier mince, plié, avec impression en relief ‘Hotel Nelson & de Berlin’ à Paris. Avec une estampille de collecteur.

€ 35

* ‘Depuis huit jours il m’est impossible de vous rencontrer’. ‘Est-ce que vous voudriez me dire si les deux machines que vous avez bien voulu prendre le peine de parcourir, ne vous conviennent pas.’ Avec une page de ‘Les Hommes d’Aujourd’hui’, 1880, portant un portrait en couleurs de Frébault avec une séringue massive, de Gill.

26. GREENE, Hugh Original Photo with Signature. Oblong 11.5 x 16.5 cm.

€ 25

* Nice b/w photo of of an elderly, smiling Sir Hugh Greene, signed ‘Best wishes/ Hugh Greene. From a Dutch autograph hunter. Pasted to a sheet of ring binder paper, with typed account of the very influential director-general of the BBC (1960-1967) and brother of Graham Greene. On the other side part of the original envelope with letterhead ‘Bodley Head’ has been pasted.

27. GRENET-DANCOURT, Ernest, à NADAR (= G.F. Tournachon) Autograph Letter Signed by Ernest Grenet-Dancourt to “mon cher Nadar”. Handwritten in purple ink on p. 1 and 3 of 4. 17,6 x 11.5 cm. On better paper watermarked “vergé blanc grenier superieur”. 33 lines, signed “Tibi/ GrenetDancourt”.

€ 65

* Grenet-Dancourt (1854?-1913), a theatre author, writes a very friendly letter about portraits of him made by the famous photographer, balloonist and caricaturist Gaspard-Félix Tournachon, better known as Nadar (1820-1910). “Merci, mon cher Nadar, c’est parfait. Les deux que je préfère: dont celles où je lis et où je tiens un livre fermé dans la main. J’ai sur toutes l’ air un peu sévère, mais c’est ma faute et non celle de l’opérateur.” Also about a piece of bad news that Nadar has given to Grenet. “Avez-vous, comme je te l’avais conseillé, une nouvelle circulaire? Il faut absolument le faire afin que nous soyons couverts et puissions vouer aux gimonies tous ceux qui auront fait preuves de mauvais vouloir.” It’s about a ‘comité’ both are members of. Also about a ‘Société’ where possibly foreign artist are going to be shown.
A photo of Grenet-Dancourt from Nadar’s studio is known. It is undated, but the writer is probably in his early thirties. In later years, Grenet was president of Le Cornet, a “Société artistique et littéraire”.

28. GUISE, Duc de Lettre sur parchemin, signée ‘Briagne’, 1575. Lettre manuscrite en français sur un morceau de parchemin. 11 lignes + 2 au verso. Écrit de la main du secrétaire, et apparemment signé par un gentilhomme “Briagne”. Daté ‘mil cinq cent soixant quinze’, 1575. Très bon état.

€ 150

* Ceux qui sont capables de lire un manuscrit du XVIe siècle découvriront certainement bientôt de quoi parle cette lettre, l’écriture (dans une sorte de Civilité) est assez claire, et vous pouvez agrandir considérablement cette photo ! Le titre “Duc de Guise” est mentionné deux fois, à la fin des deuxième et quatrième lignes. Il s’agit d’Henri de Guise (1550-1588), principal rival du roi de France Henri III. Le duc de Guise était responsable de la Nuit de Barthélemy, le meurtre de masse des protestants français. J’ai l’impression que la lettre a été écrite en Charente, non loin de Cognac.

29. HAILEY, Arthur Original photo, signed in orange felt-tip pen. Black-and-white photo pasted on stiff paper. 14.7 x 9.5 cm. Signature a bit vague.

€ 20

* An elderly Hailey, holding his glasses in his hands, smiles sympathetically into the camera, against a background of books.

30. HAUPTMANN, Gerhart Eigenhändiger Brief mit Unterschrift. Ungemerktes, gefaltetes Blatt. 18,2 x 14,2 cm. 3 Regel. Zweimal gefaltet, etwas eingerissen.

€ 110

* ‘Sehr geehrter Herr. Es wurde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie mich Freitag 11 Uhr besuchen wollten.’ Mit Vollsignatur.

31. HAWKINS, Anthony Hope Autograph Note Signed (1909?). Page of blue paper from an autographs album. 20 x 16 cm. ‘Yours very truly’ plus signature in purple ink. On the same page there is a ‘Yours truly’ from Charles Warner. It must have been shortly before this actor’s death on February 12, 1909. Also a signature of actress Eva Moore and one unreadable. On the verso of the page is a large signature of the soprano Margaret Cooper, dated ‘17.3./MCMIX’.

€ 45

32. HERRICK, Robert Two typescript letters to Saul K. Padover about Upton Sinclair, signed, dated ’30 Dec. 27′ and ‘7 January 1928’. Two folded leaves of blue green paper, typed on one side only (each). 21,5 x 14,0 cm. 15 and 9 lines. Some fingering and glue marks.

€ 45

* Letters by the ageing novelist (1868-1938) to youthful author and historian S.K. Padover (1905-1981), who had written an article about Herrick’s book Waste (1924). ‘Mr. Upton Sinclair has sent me your letter to him in which you refer so warmly to my “Waste”. … ‘I judge that our views about “Money Writes” [by Sinclair, 1927] are much the same, – that the criticism of individual writers is discerning and courageous but the philosophy oversimplified.’ Also about Herrick’s resignation as a professor in Chicago.

33. HIRAKAWA, Noritoshi Autograph Signed Card. New York, 1999. 10,8 x 15,3 cm. Printed text in red: “New Yorkers are always busy with excusing themselves by finding reasons for living in NY.” With name, address and date.

€ 30

* With autograph holiday wish to ‘Dear Chris’, signed ‘Noritoshi’ by the Japanese photographer/ performer.

34. HUGHES, Thomas Autograph signature, dated ‘London Febr 1880’. Oblong 5,6 x 9,0 cm. From an autograph album. A bit browned.

€ 30

* Hughes (1822-1896) was the author of Tom Brown’s Schooldays, the epitome novel (for the youthful) about life on an English public school. In this case 1830’s Rugby, the school of Dr. Thomas Arnold, ‘the most influential British schoolmaster of the 19th century’.

35. HURST, Fannie Autograph Quote Signed (1959). Leaf from an autograph book. 14,5 x 15,6 cm. 5 lines plus signature and date in red ballpoint. On the other side is an AQS by theatre critic Brooks Atkinson, dated ‘Halloween, 1959’. 4 tiny holes from a string binding.

€ 30

* ‘Hands across the years!/ Wonderful to see you again -/ with all the vim and vigor/ of your artistry, intact -/ or rather on the plus side.’

37. KAUFFMAN, Reginald Wright Typed Letter Signed, dated September 7, 1929 On folded ‘Quovadis’ paper with printed letterhead of the Geneva office of the ‘New York Herald Tribune, Reginald Wright Kauffman, Directeur’. 27.0 x 21.6 cm. 16 lines. Somewhat creased and with small tears at two folds.

€ 25

* To a youthful fan, about Kauffman’s story ‘Barbary Bo’ .’I wish you’d write to the editor of “The American Boy”, telling him that you like my serials’.

38. KINGSLEY, Charles Autograph Letter Signed and dated ‘Clifton College/ Sept. 28/[18]69’. Laid paper with tiny blindstamped Percival family crest (motto ‘Sub Cruce Vinces’). 15,8 x 9,9 cm. Written on both sides. 13 lines. Twice folded horizontally.


* Kingsley regrets that he will not be able to preach at a certain church on Sunday, because he has other duties. Not easy to read. The Reverend Charles Kingsley (1819-1875) was the author of many famous books like Westward Ho! (1855) and The Water Babies (1863). In September 1869, he was staying temporarily at Clifton College, where John Percival (1834-1918, later Bishop of Hereford) then was Headmaster.

39. KINGSLEY, Henry Autograph Letter Signed. Mourning paper. 17,7 x 11,1 cm. 4 lines signed, in black ink. Twice folded. Trace of grey glue on verso. Very good condition.


* Kingsley answers with ‘great pleasure’ in complying with the request of an autograph. Underneath is written in pencil ‘Miss Laurence/ 1873’.

40. KRAUSS, Ernst Aus der Zeit – Ueber der Zeit. Neue Gedichte. [Amsterdam, J.M. Meulenhoff], 1941. Halfperkamenten band met opvallend vignet in rood en goud. 148 p. Titelpagina in rood en zwart. Op geschept velijn. 1e druk. Perkament op het eerste scharnier gebarsten. Band wat verbruind en vlekkig.

€ 60

* Exemplaar met handgeschreven, gesigneerde opdracht van de auteur, ‘Voor/ Thaliena Tak/ van Ernst Krauss/ Kerstmis 1949’. Inliggend: 4 hartelijke brieven van Krauss en zijn echtgenote, Ecoline Krauss-Adema, aan Thalien Tak (1930-2011), die o.m. lerares klassieke talen was. Daarbij een programma van het Don-Kozakkenkoor van Serge Jaroff met handgeschreven ‘Goed voor twee plaatsen’, een kaart met gesigneerd typoscript van het gedicht ‘Zum Jahreswechsel’ (1939) en een gedrukte kaart met dank voor het bewijs van deelneming bij Krauss’ overlijden.

Ernst Krauss (1887-1958) was in Nederland werkzaam als impresario, en publiceerde verschillende Duitstalige poëziebundels.

41. LE GALLIENNE, Richard Orestes. A Tragedy. With ALS to Perriton Maxwell, in a nice box. New York, Mitchell Kennerley, 1910. Cloth-backed boards. (10), 52 p. Printed in red and black. 1st edition. With tipped-in newspaper picture of the author. Bookplate of Geo. A. Zabriskie pasted over another bookplate. With an autograph letter signed by Le Gallienne to Perriton Maxwell, dated ‘Woodstock, N.Y./ Oct. 14, 1919’.

€ 125

* Contained in a portfolio in an attractive morocco-backed slipcase with richly gilt spine, title ‘Orestes/ ALS/ Richard/ Le/ Gallienne’. Somewhat coquetish Le Gallienne mentions he is glad to accept Maxwell’s invitation to send more of his works to him. Amos Perriton Maxwell (1866-1947) was for a long time editor of various magazines before embarking upon a career as a novelist.

42. LEBEAU, Philippe Original black and white photo in Egypt with accessories. Self-portrait in front of two pyramids, 23.8 x 17.1 cm. Signed with surname on the picture. Attached is an issue of the International Art Bulletin (1980) dedicated to Lebeau and a fully signed paper greeting.

€ 30

* Philippe Lebeau (1944), an artist from Hasselt, Belgium, works as a pop art painter and photographer. This photo shows him as a tough, booted thirtysomething in a long coat.

43. LECKY, William Edward Hartpole Autograph signed letter (ALS) to an admirer, dated “Xmas day. 1891.” 6 lines on paper printed “38, Onslow Gardens, S.W.”. Small trace of glue on verso, from an album or an envelope.

€ 30

* Lecky has “much pleasure in sending you my autograph”. He hopes “that you may work with so much perserverance and success that Pugh may some day ask for yours”. William Hartpole Lecky (1838-1903) was an Irish historian and politician, married to Elisabeth van Dedem, herself a historian, and also lady-in-waiting of Queen Sophie of the Netherlands.

44. LEE, Sir Sidney Handwritten letter to Augustus Jessopp. On cream colored paper watermarked T.H. Saunders, with printed heading ‘Dictionary of National Biography/ (address)’. 18,6 x 11,8 cm. 4 p. Written in thin brown ink on recto only. Signed and dated ’17/5/86′. Folded twice. Stained along the fold and vaguely at the foot of the letter.

€ 35

* From young Sidney, or rather Solomon Lazarus Lee (1859-1926), the compiler of the Dictionary of National Biography to the cleric and writer Dr. Augustus Jessopp (1823-1914), an authority on 17th century history. A perfectly readable letter on Lee’s article about Sir Simonds D’Ewes, that wasn’t accepted by James Bass Mullinger. With mention of Leslie Stephen (the father of Virginia Woolf).

45. LEIGHTON, Frederick Autograph signed letter (ALS), dated “6 June 86”. 11 lines on an oblong card (9 x 12 cm), printed “2, Holland Park, Kensington, W.”. Recto and verso. Folded horizontally. Traces of pasting in an album on both sides.

€ 100

* Autograph letter by the famous painter (1830-1896), about a book (‘Life & Works’) to be sent to him.

46. LUBIS, Mochtar Handwritten address in pencil. 12 x 20 cm.

€ 20

* Indonesian author Lubis (1922-2004) wrote his own address in Jakarta in pencil on a strip of paper (about 1990). With some notes in someone else’s handwriting. Sellotape trace. 4 lines.

47. LUDWIG, Emil Handgeschriebene Postkarte (1932) an Dr. Sigmund Blau, Chefredakteur des Prager Tageblattes. Grüngraue Belgische Postkarte (1 Frank) mit Poststempel 31.X.1932, Brussels. Leichtes braunes Fleckchen.

€ 50

* “Hoffentlich 2. oder 3. Hotel Sti(…). Grüssend, Ludwig”. Adresse nur: “Prager Tagblatt/ Dr. Blau/ Prague”. Dabei in Bleistift: “Ihr Emil Ludwig”. Emil Ludwig (1881-1948) war der weltberühmte Verfasser von vielen Biografien wichtiger Persönlichkeiten. Er arbeitete auch als Journalist. In 1932 lebte er in der Schweiz.

48. MAARTENS, Maarten Autograph Letter Signed and dated ’14-X-’06 [De Zonheuvel, Doorn.] Holland’. Letter in English on mourning paper with printed letterhead ‘De Zonheuvel, Doorn.’, signed ‘”Maarten Maartens”‘. Five pages. 17,8 x 11,3 cm. 53 lines. Some traces of glue. Pin holes where a visiting card may have been pinned to the letter.

€ 95

* Maarten Maartens is the pseudonym of J. van der Poorten Schwartz (1858-1915), a Dutch author who wrote in English.

Extensive letter to a ‘Dear Sir’ in Pittsburgh who had given a lecture and invited him for a stay. Maartens writes he is ‘just back from the Aberdeen festivities, where I met Mr. Carnegie who renewed his invitation to my daughter’. He would like to come, but because of his bad health is reluctant to take a fast boat to the USA. ‘I am a disgraceful sailor, but America is worth even that – can any man say more?’ He wonders if he can take his 18-year old daughter along. Very friendly letter by a bit of a pedant who flaunts the name of his famous friends Andrew Carnegie and Admiral F.E. Chadwick and asks the benevolence of the gods in Latin (‘Dii, favete!’) while pondering a tour through Northern America. Not in The Letters of Maarten Maartens.

49. MAARTENS, Maarten Autograph Letter Signed to publisher Funk & Wagnalls in London, dated ’11-11-’13 (De Zonheuvel, Doorn) Holland’. Letter in English with printed letterhead ‘De Zonheuvel, Doorn.’, signed ‘Maarten Maartens’, heavily underscored. 4 p. 17.7 x 11.2 cm. 17 lines. Pin holes where a visiting card may have been pinned to the letter.

€ 85

* The letter exhibits amazement of a book that was sent by publisher Funk & Wagnalls to Josua van der Poorten Schwartz (1858-1915), better known as novelist Maarten Maartens: ‘On my return, this day, from a prolonged absence abroad, I find the book you have kindly sent me. I stand before it, spellbound, as I once stood before the Great Pyramid’. This is probably about the first edition of Funk & Wagnalls Standard Encyclopedia. There are more quaintly reverent sentences in the letter: ‘Your book looks a large one. But the moment we realize in it the Liebig of men’s intellect since Adam, how compactly reasonable in size it appears!’ No wonder the clerk at Funk & Wagnalls wrote in pencil: ‘Please make 3 copies for Prof Hopkins’, possibly to use citations for advertising. Not in The Letters of Maarten Maartens.

50. McCARTHY, Mary Typed letter signed to a gentleman in Toronto. On violet paper, recto only. 23.0 x 16.0 cm. Folded. Dated ‘141, rue de Rennes/ 75006 Paris/ November 9, 1982’. 5 lines.

€ 60

* About signing a picture and a card (not included), ‘though it’s against my principles and practice to autograph either cards or photos’. This letter has been signed, however.

51. MENDÈS, Jane Catulle Autograph Letter Signed to Louis Schneider on mourning paper, with envelope poststamped 25 I 1922. Folded sheet with broad black borders, written on p. 1 and 4. 20,5 x 16,0 cm. 17 lines. Horizontal fold, slight creases. Envelope with blue 25c stamp and address ‘au Gaulois/ 2 rue Drouot/ Paris’. Some wear.

€ 50

* Jeanne Nette (1867-1955), herself a poet, the widow of Catulle Mendès who had died in a railway accident in 1909, writes to Louis Schneider (1861-1935), the music reviewer of the journal Le Gaulois, about delivering a message (not present) for musicians.

52. MITCHISON, Naomi Typed note signed in red ink, dated ’25 Sept’. Oblong sheet of paper, 14,5 x 21 cm.

€ 25

* ‘I am sorry but I don’t have any photographs of myself – I am too old to like being photographed’. Signed with difficulty ‘Yrr.. sin…’ (‘Yours sincerely’) and her signature. Naomi Mitchison, a daring and prolific novelist, lived until 101 years of age (1897-1999).

53. MORGAN, Charles T.L.S., dated ’23 February 1937′ to a French woman who wants to translate one of Morgan’s essays. Original typewritten letter by the author, Charles Morgan, with printed letterhead. 25,5 x 20,3 cm. 19 lines. Signed in ink.

€ 50

* To Madame Le Corbeiller in Paris about her offer to translate Morgan’s essay ‘Creative Imagination’ into French. 20 lines typed, signed ‘Charles Morgan.’ in ink.

54. MOTTRAM, Ralph H. / Frederic PROKOSCH Autograph picture postcard signed to Frederic PROKOSCH. Brown photo of ‘old Luffness Mill, near Gullane’. On verso 7 lines by Mottram postmarked ‘Edinburgh Sep 10 1930’.

€ 35

* Well-settled British author Ralph Hale Mottram (1883-1971) to his young American admirer, the aspiring poet and novelist Frederic Prokosch (1908-1989): ‘I have no favorites among my books. I wish they were better known in the States. I am most pleased to have your letter.’

57. MOULIN, Jean Isaac du Getuigschrift ten behoeve van Pierre Laporte de Montvert, kapitein in dienst van de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden, tijdens zijn verblijf in Genua (1769). Brief in inkt op papier met droogstempel. 17,3 x 23,7 cm. 14 regels. In het Frans. Gedateerd ‘7e 8tm 1769’ en voluit gesigneerd door Du Moulin, die consul en chargé d’affaires was in Genua (‘Genes’). Montvert werd geboren in 1731 en leefde nog in 1799. Wat verbruind.

€ 25

58. (NAMEGIVERS / GODFATHERS of EPONYMS:) BROUGHAM, Henry; KOHOUTEK, Lubos; PLIMSOLL, Samuel Three signatures.

€ 75

A. BROUGHAM, Henry Signed and addressed envelope front with free frank stamp. ‘London Augst three/ 1835/ Jn. Mullineux Esq/ Liverpool/ Brougham’. Sheet of paper (79 x 120 mm), matted to show obverse and reverse. Stamped in red ‘Free/ 3 AU 3/ 1835’. A bit soiled.
* Signature of Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868), who had been Lord Chancellor from 1830-1834, was the designer and namegiver of the Brougham coach, and a staunch activist against slavery. Under his tenure as Lord Chancellor, the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 was introduced.
B. KOHOUTEK, Lubos Autograph of Mr. Luboš Kohoutek. Sheet of paper (77 x 125 mm) with typed designation. Signature in blue fountain pen ink. Excellent condition.
* The Czech astronomer Luboš Kohoutek (born 1935) discovered many planetoids and comets. He was the name-giver of the Kohoutek Comet (1973).
C. PLIMSOLL, Samuel Signature pasted on a card. Sheet of paper (55 x 94 mm), pasted on a card. Just a signature, underlined. A bit soiled, notes on backside.
* Signature of Samuel Plimsoll (1824-1898), a British politician, Liberal member of Parliament 1867-1880. He was an advocate of safety on ships and devised a line to put on ships that delineated the maximum load, now known as the Plimsoll Line.
These three signatures can be the start of a nice collection…

59. NORTHCOTE, Stafford H. Autograph Letter Signed to the painter William Powell Frith. Letter on wove paper, recto and verso, 15,5 x 9,8 cm. 16 lines. Dated ‘Dec. 9. 1881’. Folded twice, but only vaguely. Trace of glue on recto (no text missing).

€ 35

* About sitting for a portrait by Frith: ‘I am pretty fully engaged up to the middle of January at all events’. Stafford Henry Northcote, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh (1818-1887) was Member of Parliament for North Devon at this time, after six years of being Minister of Finance. He would end his career as Foreign Secretary (1886-1887).

60. O’BRIEN, Edna Signed note. 1983.

€ 25

* Letter (17 x 13 cm) signed and dated ‘Jan. ’83’: ‘To (x), with good wishes and good reading’. With part of an envelope stamped ‘Maida Hill’ and a postage stamp. Both objects pasted on a piece of stiff paper.

61. (ONSLOW). HUGHES, Geoffrey Grote portretfoto, gesigneerd. Zwartwitfoto. 24,8 x 20,0 cm. Met gesigneerde opdracht: ‘To James/ Worst Luck/ (sign.)’. Achterop een stempel van Granada T.V. Enkele kleine vlekjes.

€ 35

* Pracht van een portret met een belangstellende glimlach, waarschijnlijk van ongeveer 1990. Acteur Geoffrey Hughes (1944-2012) is in Nederland vooral bekend als Onslow, de zwager van Hyacinth Bouquet in de onsterfelijke, telkens herhaalde serie Keeping Up Appearances, maar hij speelde ook de sympathieke stouterik Eddie Yeats in Coronation Street en talloze andere rollen.

63. RETTÉ, Adolphe Autograph letter signed to ‘Mon cher Confrère’, dated ‘Pin l’Emagny, Haute-Savoie, 8 Mai 1921’. About Léon Bloy and the publisher Georges Crès. 21,0 x 13,1 cm. Recto only. 15 lines.

€ 30

* Retté (1863-1930) began as a symbolist poet, anarchist, then became anti-symbolist, after that converted to catholicism.

64. SADLEIR, Michael Autograph Letter Signed ‘Michael Sadleir’ and dated ‘3-2-47’. Letter by author and bibliographer of Victorian literature Michael Sadleir (1888-1957) to ‘dear Gertrude’. 17,6 x 10,8 cm. On tinted writing paper with Sadleir’s name in a calligraphic sign printed in brown and the address in Lower Througham, Stroud, Gloucestershire. 2 p., written on both sides. 29 lines. Horizontal fold, otherwise fine.

€ 75

* Sadleir had been ill, and thanks Gertrude for her charming letter, a.o. about an unwanted visit of ‘gentlemen-burglars’ ‘I’m completely fed up with the blizzards and snow and worries about waterpipes’. He has to walk to the nearest village (2 miles) to post letters and ‘beg a loaf of bread from someone. Not an attractive prospect.’

65. SADLEIR, Michael Typed Letter Signed ‘Michael Sadleir’ and dated ‘October 27th 1932’. Letter by author and bibliographer of Victorian literature Michael Sadleir (1888-1957) to ‘Dear Mrs Parry’. 25.6 x 20.0 cm. On tinted writing paper of Constable & Co., publishers in London (10 & 12 Orange Street) with extra information in a rubber stamp. 2 p., typed on one side only. 17 lines. Twice folded and a bit creased, some mouse’s nibbling at the left margin.

€ 75

* Mrs Parry (from Tunbridge Wells) had written a kind letter about his recent book, Edward and Rosina, about Edward Bulwer-Lytton and his wife Rosina Doyle Wheeler, also a novelist. Sadleir mentions her first book, Cheveley, ‘It is of course a savage caricature of her husband an his relations, and was the first heavy shell in the prolonged bombardment of Edward’s peace of mind which was conducted almost up to the day of his death.’ He doesn’t think highly of her talents as a writer.

Sadleir doubts he ever will get to a further stage of Bulwer’s life, because ‘so few people want to know about him’. Edward and Rosina had a disappointing circulation.

66. SAMARANCH, Juan Antonio Signed Photo. Original color photo signed in felt tip pen and dated ‘Sarajevo 1984’. 15,4 x 8,9 cm. With embossed Olympic Games ring symbol. Pasted on paper. With faint trace of glue.

€ 15

* Samaranch (1920-2010) was President of the International Olympic Committee from 1980-2001.

67. SARCEY, Françisque Three autograph letters signed (ALS) – 3 lettres manuscrites. + ‘Les Hommes d’Aujourd’hui’ 1879. 3 autograph letters. One to Monsieur Vollar (?), dated ’10 Mars 1888′, with stamped envelope. One to Cher Monsieur’ (undated). And one to ‘Ma chère N…’ (name crossed out) and signed ‘Je vous embrasse affectueusement, Françisque Sarcey’, not dated, but about 1880.

€ 50

* And a page of ‘Les Hommes d’Aujourd’hui’, 1879, with coloured portrait of Sarcey balancing on a monocular, by Gill. Francisque Sarcey (1827-1899) was a famous French journalist and theatre critic.

68. SASTRI, Kuppuswami ALS – Autograph Letter Signed – to a hurried colleague (1910). Folded sheet of writing paper (18 x 23 cm), written on p. 1 and 2. A bit worn.

€ 25

* Written by the influential Indian Sanskrit scholar Prof. H. Kuppuswami Sastri (1880-1943) to ‘Dear Sir’: ‘I send by bearer the Sanskrit poem (not included) which you were kind enough to accept as a gift from Pandit Kuppusvami Sastri. Evidently it was left by you (…) in the hurry of going out’. Dated ‘Tangore 20.II.10’.

69. SIMEON OF BULGARIA, ex-Tsar Original photo with signature and that of his betrothed, dated 10.VIII.1961. Black and white photo (12 x 9 cm) of Simeon and his fiancée Margarita Gomez Acebo. Blindstamp from a photo studio in Madrid. Pasted on a folding card printed with the Bulgarian crown and the date, with two clear, original signatures on the right side of the photo, Margarita’s in fountain pen and Simeon’s (with ‘R.’ of Rex) in ballpoint pen.
With matching, addressed envelope, printed with a flag and a home address.

€ 95

* Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (born 1937) was the last Tsar of Bulgaria from 1943-1946, the son of Tsar Boris III. From 1946-1996 he lived as an exile in Spain, where he married Margarita in 1962. From 2001 to 2005, he served as Prime Minister of his country under the civilian name of Simeon Borisov Sakskoburggotski.

70. SUTHERLAND-LEVESON-GOWER, George Granville William Autograph Letter Signed ‘Sutherland’ and dated ‘Dunrobin Sept. 15 1883’. With two contemporary photos. Letter by George Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 3rd Duke of Sutherland (1828-1892) to ‘My dear Sir’. 4 p. With a letter by Charles Longuet Higgins (1806-1885) to ‘My dear Lady’ pinned to the first leaf. Some spots and traces of glue (for an album), some creasing.

€ 90

* Extensive letter (59 lines) written fast and not very clearly about the possibilities of meeting, traveling between L. (London) and Dunrobin, and various commitments (‘The Ds. [Duchess] must be again here – for the Poultry show on the 27th’). In the attached letter, dated ‘May 23rd 1881’, Charles Longuet Higgins to ‘My dear Lady’ offers ‘St. Anne’s Society polling paper’.

The letters come with two rather creased and damaged, contemporary original photos, one of a gentleman in a cap holding a large piece of game, a dog at his side; the other shows a coach with four passengers and two draft animals. From the letter collection of John Arlott.

71. SWINNERTON, Frank Autograph Letter Signed to Amy Dawson-Scott about Hugh Walpole, dated “March 19 in 1919”. Laid paper with printed address “33, Ravenscroft Park, Barnet”. 15,0 x 10,0 cm. Written on one side only. 12 lines. Horizontal fold. Marginal inkstain. Some foxing.

€ 65

* Author and critic Frank Swinnerton (1884-1982) tells Dawson-Scott that Hugh Walpole (1884-1941), with whom he had lunch the other day, will “take the chair on June 26”. Swinnerton can’t attend the meeting of this week, but he is “sure Mr. Hueffer will be very amusing and instructive”.

72. TRENCH, Herbert Autograph Quote Signed (1908) Card, 7.0 x 10.4 cm. Reverse with traces of paper glued, probably from an album.

€ 30

* AQS with elucidation in handwriting by the Irish poet Frederic Herbert Trench (1865-1923), ‘Between thee and thy son lies but a sleep…’

73. TRINE, Ralph Waldo Handwritten card signed (1905) with his initials ‘R.W.T.’ to Max Gysi, a Swiss in London. Printed one-cent postal card with portrait of McKinley, stamped Feb. 4, 1905. 8.2 x 13.8 cm. Addressed to ‘Max Gysi, Esqr/ Swiss Bankverein’, London. Dated ‘Feb-3-1905-‘ with address ‘Crolon Landing/ N.Y.’ 28 lines, written in a tiny hand to ‘My Dear mr. Gysi’. Some creasing.

€ 75

* Friendly letter about the German edition of In Tune with the Infinite, which was published in November 1904. Maybe Gysi knows people who might be interested in the book. He can ask his German publisher Engelhorn in Stuttgart for more copies and also mentions the French edition. Max Gysi (born 1874) was a bank clerk, born in Switzerland, eventually living in the USA.

74. VACQUERIE, Auguste 8 Autograph Letters Signed. 8 lettres autographes signées. Huit lettres manuscrits à ‘Mon cher Koning’ et à Mme Koning, demeurants à Marseille. 2 datés: 1881 et 1894. 3 sur papier imprimé Le Rappel, un avec enveloppe. Ajouté Les Hommes d’Aujourd’hui, 8 Novembre 1878, avec portrait d’Auguste Vacquerie et article de Félicien Champsaur.

€ 100

* Lettres cordiales du journaliste et écrivain (1819-1895), l’exécuteur testamentaire de Victor Hugo.

75. WASSERMANN, Jakob Signature of the author and short message on a slip of pink paper. Dated ‘Februar 1927’. 53 x 147 mm. Very good condition.

€ 50

* Memento for a stay, probably accompanying a present.

76. WHITEING, Richard Original Photo, Inscribed. London, Maull & Fox, about 1905. 16,5 x 10,5 cm. An elderly Whiteing leaning with his elbow on a book-strewn carved desk, looking into the camera. Number written on text side, otherwise fine.

€ 35

* From the journalist and author (1840-1928) of ‘The Island’ (1888), about living in utopian conditions on Pitcairn Island. With autograph inscription on the lower edge: ‘From Comrade to Comrade/ Richard Whiteing’. Maull’s address is given as ‘187a Piccadilly ‘. An attractive inscribed writer’s picture.

77. WIGGIN, Kate Douglas Autograph letter signed to ‘Dear Mrs. Morse’, dated ‘Feb. 10th [18]96’. One sheet headed with a printed dog and ribbon with inscription Malo Mori quam Foedari (‘I rather die than be dishonored’). Written on one side only. Pasted to a slightly larger sheet. 14,5 x 10,1 cm.

€ 35

* Goodlooking letter. ‘I am sorry we cannot come to you on the 21st. We are going out of town.’ Address: ‘131 N. 11th St.’ Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923) was a children’s books author, her most famous book being Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1903). After her husband’s untimely death, she remarried with George C. Riggs. This letter is duly signed ‘Kate D Riggs’.

78. WILSON, Sloan Typed Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Beatty’, dated ‘Nov. 10, 1955’. 21.8 x 14.0 cm. On paper with printed address (‘West Newton, Mass.’).

€ 50

* About a catamaran that Wilson saw from the train. However, he doesn’t want to buy a boat before he knows exactly where he is going to live. Also about technical aspects of large catamarans. In the same year 1955 Wilson had published his world bestseller, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit. This letter is included in a beautiful copy of its translation into Dutch (cloth with dust jacket).

79. YATES, Edmund Autograph Letter Signed, 1872. To Leslie Ward. Written on one page (of 4) with purple ink. On paper with printed letterhead ’14A Upper Wimpole Street, W.’ Dated ‘June (?) 7. ’72.’ 13,5 x 9,0 cm. 6 lines. Horizontal fold. Glue trace on last page.

€ 45

* ‘My dear Leslie Ward. I am glad to hear from (hard to read) that you are willing to do a little work for me’. And suggestion for making an appointment. Leslie Ward (1851-1922) was at that moment at the dawn of his career as a caricaturist and painter. According to Yates’s memories, the first two commissions for Ward were a portrait of Dickens and one of Thackeray.

80. YATES, Edmund Autograph Letter Signed, dated ‘February 21. ’59’. To A. Shirreffs Esq. Written on one side with irregular blue ink. On paper with printed letterhead ’43, Doughty St./ W.C.’ 17,5 x 11,0 cm. 4 lines. Glue trace on verso.

€ 30

* ‘I have much pleasure in complying with your request’, obviously for an autograph. Yates was then only 27 years old, and living almost next to his role model Charles Dickens.

82. YOUNG, Francis Brett Portrait of a Village. (With Signature, dated “Anacapri 1925”). London – Toronto, William Heinemann / Doubleday Page, 1937. 23 x 16 cm. Orig. decorated cloth. First Edition. Some spots.

€ 28

* Attractively illustrated sturdy book of sketches about an imaginary village. With cutout of a letter containing an ORIGINAL SIGNATURE of Young, dated “Anacapri 1925”, with 12 lines of text. Pity the signature collector didn’t keep the complete letter…


83. LEADING MEN of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH  Manuscripts by four Roman Catholic prelates: three French and a Pole. Original manuscripts penned in 1929 on sheets of tinted, sturdy paper measuring 26 x 21 cm. All in excellent condition.
1. Alfred Baudrillart (1859-1942), Member of the Académie Française, Titular Archbishop of Melitene (Armenia), Cardinal from 1935. 25 lines. About faith.
2. Pierre L’Ermite, aka Eugène Loutil (1863-1959), pastor and popular novelist. 30 lines (on 2 sheets). About the way of life.
3. Georges Goyau (1869-1939, wrote under the name Léon Grégoire), historian. 17 lines. About the mission.
4. Włodzimierz Halka Ledóchowski s.j. (1866-1942), Superior General of the Jesuit Order. 2 lines. ‘Divinorum divinissimum…’ Latin text, dated ‘Romae die 1 julii 1929’.

€ 75

* Texts written by the prelates themselves in original manuscripts, intended for the mission exhibition in The Hague, dated May-September 1929.

84. LEADING MEN of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH  Manuscripts by eight Roman Catholic foremen. Original manuscripts, all in Dutch, penned in 1929 on sheets of tinted, sturdy paper measuring 26 x 21 cm. All in excellent condition.
1. Eduard Brom (1864-1935). ‘St. Petrus Canisius celebration’, sonnet, published 1926.
2. Gerard Brom (1882-1959), professor in Nijmegen. ‘Latum mandatum tuum’. Dutch poem, 16 lines.
3. Jac. van Ginneken s.j. (1877-1945), linguist and rector of the University of Nijmegen. ‘Gheen quader dinck als eyghen wil’, fragment (6 lines) from Het prieel der gheestelicken Melodie (1617) by the Antwerp Jesuit Bernardus Bauhusius.
4. Borromaeus de Greeve (1875-1947), legendary Catholic orator. 28 lines of poetic prose about the building of the Temple of the Lord and the lasso of God’s love destined for the heart of man.
5. Franciscus Hendrichs s.j. (1862-1938), author of numerous book reviews and a well-known booklet on the doctrine of the faith. Cites a text fragment by theologian Franz Hettinger on the development of the Church from antiquity. 27 lines.
6. Bernard Molkenboer (1879-1948), professor in Nijmegen and Vondel expert. 19 lines. On the sacred evangelical drive.
7. R. van Oppenraaij s.j. (Bemmel 1856-The Hague 1936), assistant general of the order of the Jesuits. 3 lines. ‘Anyone who is not an apostle is not yet half Catholic’.
8. J.F.M. Sterck. Vondel and the Mission. 54 lines, of which 20 quote from Vondel’s Rey van Priesteren.

€ 125

* Texts written by the prelates themselves in original manuscripts, intended for the mission exhibition in The Hague, dated May-September 1929.

85. DUTCH BISHOPS Manuscripts of 4 Dutch bishops and 3 other monsignors (1929), all signed. Original manuscripts penned in 1929 on sheets of tinted, sturdy paper measuring 26 x 21 cm. All in excellent condition.
1. Cardinal W.M. van Rossum, Archbishop of Utrecht. 10 lines. Answers the question of what the sacred mission is.
2. Mgr. J.D.J. Aengenent, Bishop of Haarlem. 10 lines of congratulations. With blindstamp.
3. Mgr. A.F. Diepen, Bishop of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. 15 lines. About the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
4. Mgr. Bernard Eras, procurator (representative) of the Dutch Episcopate in Rome. 13 lines. Call to the mission.
5. Mgr. A.H.L. Hensen (1854-1932), professor of church history. 10 lines. Quotation of Saint Boniface as a missionary in Germany, with introduction. Signed with his papal honorific as Protonotary Apostolic.
6. Mgr. P. Hopmans, Bishop of Breda. 21 lines. On the missionary wish of Pope Pius XI.
7. Mgr. Laurent Schioppa, Apostolic Nuncio and Internuntius (representative of the Pope) in The Hague. 3 lines. Quote from a Psalm.

€ 200

* Self-written texts in original manuscripts, intended for the mission exhibition in The Hague, dated May-September 1929.

86. FORT, Paul ‘La Ronde autour du Monde’.’ (Manuscrit signe, 1929). Écriture manuscrite originale signée à l’encre sur papier épais. Seulement recto. 10 lignes. Sans date. Decrit pour une exposition missionnaire catholique romaine en 1929.


* Chanson joyeuse: comment faire le tour du monde? quand les filles se serrent toutes la main et que tous les marins mettent leurs bateaux les uns derrière les autres ! Par le barde prolifique français Paul Fort (1872-1960).

87. FORT, Paul ‘S’Gravenhague au Cygne’ (Signed poem). Original, signed manuscript written in ink on heavy paper. recto and verso. 34 lines. Undated. Written out for a Roman Catholic missionary exhibition in 1929.


* Poetic text about The Hague written especially for the occasion (?) by the prolific French bard (1872-1960), possibly unpublished. About the swan that floats in the pond in the Village of Peace: The Hague.

88. GHÉON, Henri ‘Que le bienheureux Zchao, premier martyr de la Chine….’ (Signed handwriting). Original, signed handwriting written in ink on heavy paper. Only recto. 9 lines. Dated ‘Jun 1929’. Described for a Roman Catholic missionary exhibition in 1929.


* About the Augustin Zhao Rong, who was executed as a Catholic in China in 1815. Fragment from ‘Les Trois Sagesses du vieux Wang’ (1927) by Ghéon (1875-1944) who converted to the Catholic faith after the Great War.

89. HAUPTMANN, Gerhart ‘Ex corde lux’. (Signed handwriting). Original, signed handwriting written in purple ink on heavy paper. Only recto. 1 line + signature + year. Described for a Roman Catholic missionary exhibition in 1929.

€ 65

* Only ‘Ex corde lux’! And the year 1929. Nice firm hand of the German author, a nice album page.


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